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November 26, 2018

B.A.P Forever 2018 North American Tour in Toronto

B.A.P. came back to Toronto for a concert and I decided that I couldn't miss this opportunity to see them again! This time I got the Baby Package as well *screams*

So my Baby Package included: T-shirt, Soundcheck, Hi-touch, and a Photo-op with just ME and the members of B.A.P!

Can I just first say that the company that was in-charge of the North American was so disorganized that I was really close of not going. The tour was announced out of no where and no advertisement was made at all. Loads of people I knew didn't even know about the concert, which affected the sales of the tickets.
On the day of the concert, they told us that we were to pick up our tickets and packages at 3pm. While we were all lining up outside in the cold, they changed that time to 4pm. (I honestly think they were late arriving in Toronto since they just had a concert the night before). We picked up our packages at around 5pm and they basically wouldn't let us go out of the venue after soundcheck. We were stuck in the venue till after the concert and photos. (A lot of us were dying because we didn't really have anything to eat or drink). The security guards at the venue weren't very nice either and the company that was running the show was relaying information through certain fans. The fans then had to pass around that information to each other. The whole experience was just confusion over confusion but B.A.P was worth it. Anyways enough with my rant, on to the concert experience!

We were lined up in front of the stage and B.A.P just walks onto the stage. They look like they just arrived to the venue. They were all dressed in their normal winter clothes and outfits, half make up face but dammit I could have watched them all day. No flashy stage outfits and stage lighting needed. I have never seen B.A.P up close before or met them. The last time they came to Toronto, I was sitting up on the baloncy (it was also my very first kpop concert). When Daehyun walked out...omg I couldn't stop staring at him! He was soooo good-looking! I mean I know B.A.P is good-looking but Daehyun... there's a reason why he's my bias. His smile..sigh... gives me butterflies and makes me forget about my life's problems.

1. Warrior
2. Power
3. One shot
4. No Mercy
5. Coffee Shop
6. I Guess I Need You
7. All The Way Up
8. Feel So Good
9. That's My Jam
10. Do What I Feel
11. Farewell (Youngjae Solo)
12. I Guess I Need You (Daehyun, Jongup, Youngjae)
13. Diamond 4 Ya
14. Q&A with Himchan, Youngjae and Zelo
15. Take Off (Daehyun & Jongup)
16. Try My Luck (Jongup Solo)
17. Howler (Zelo Solo)
18. Wake Me Up
19. Angel (1004)
20. Hands Up
21. With You
22. Goodbye

Hitouch & Photo:

So Hi-touch was suppose to be right after soundcheck but I guess they didn't have time so we basically did the photo and hi-touch together.
While we were all lining up, one of the girls that we were talking to came up to us and said "yo you can give them all a hug!" We were like what!? She's like "yeah just go for it!"
As my turn was approaching I got more and more nervous. When I was next in line and I was like shaking.
The order was Youngjae, Daehyun, Zelo, Jongup and Himchan. The experience was what like 30? seconds and I can't even remember what happened. It felt like my life just flashed right before my eyes. So I went to hi-ten everyone first before I went to take the picture.

Youngjae was first and he was so cute, I can't remember if he said hi or I said hi but I think I said thank you for coming. Daehyun was next and then I said "OMG i love you!" (Yes not creepy at all my brain kind of stopped working and that's all I could blur out) and he smiled dammmm I think I died because after him the rest of the members were a blur. I had this thought afterwards "did I even hi-five everyone else or I just walked past them because I couldn't remember. I think I said "thank you" to Zelo and for Jongup and Himchan I was just so shooked that I lost the ability to speak. Their hands were all so big and soft! And all taller than me I guess LOL

After I was done I walked back and I guess I looked confused (but I wasn't cause I knew everyone was standing in between Daehyun and Zelo for the photo - which made me EVEN more nervous) and Daehyun kind of gestured me to a spot between him and Zelo. Yo and I'm standing there and I could feel Daehyun and Zelo both lean in towards me and at this point I'm like dying inside. They were so close I could feel Zelo's jacket brush against my arm.. ahhhhhhh. Then they all held their hands up with a V sign and I was like oh okay what?! I don't even know if I looked into the camera and someone said 1,2,3 and it was over. I think I kind of turned to Daehyun cause I wanted a hug and he smiled and looked at me and said "okay thank you" and pointed his hands to the other side. I mean I could have gone in but I was so shy and scared I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I just turned and walked/ ran and said thank you to everyone else. As I was walking past Himchan he started to speak to someone in Korean which kind of scared me and I was just a mess lol He wasn't even TALKING TO ME. LOL I feel like I was probably hunched over and my shoulders were all up because I have NEVER been that close to any idol before, let alone my favourite group and BIAS beside me. I'm sure I looked like a messy, cause who isn't after being in GA for a concert. They probably won't even remember me but you know what! IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! I can't wait to get my photo!

The concert was amazing of course! Being able to watch them up close was so surreal. They're so beautiful words can't even describe it. I met a bunch of new people at the concert and we all took a picture together at the end. It's funny how kpop can bring people together like this. The friend that I was going to this concert with,  I met at B.A.P's first concert in Toronto. We decided to go to this one together and we ended meeting even more people.

 Daehyun: You will and forever will be my favourite. Your smile is what helps me get through the day and seeing it in real life just melted my heart. Every time you do it I just die a little inside.

Youngjae: Boy looks so good in real life as well. He's definitely the trouble maker though. Especially during the Q&A. "What do you like more Beef or Chicken?" Beef! Cow!! Moo!! lol And his spongebob imitation had me going 'what goes on inside his head' haha

Himchan: Visual god. There's a reason why he is the visual of the group when they debuted. He seemed kind of down but he did occasionally smile to the crowd. Especially when the question he picked asked him "Why is Himchan so perfect". He was so cute "Me? Perfect? hehe" I was LOL when they were answering the question "How do you feel about Toronto?". Himchan said that they literally just got here and came straight to the venue. He said that tomorrow (today) is their day off so they will be hanging around downtown so come find us...DID HIMCHAN JUST GIVE US A CHALLENGE TO GO FIND THEM!?

Zelo: Baby Zelo was so playful with the crowd. He was such a tease! His English has improved a lot too. He answered a lot of the questions in English! My favourite moment was during Q&A when Zelo picked the question "What makes you cringe?". His answer was "When Youngjae drinks a lot and he goes and kisses me and says I Love You". Youngjae then goes over and kisses Zelo on the cheek and says "I don't need to drink to tell you I Love You". Ahhh my heart just melted. Then Zelo picks up a water bottle and pretends to wash his cheek. One point Zelo even threw one of his towels into the crowd!!

Jongup: I swear Jongup didn't say a word for the entire concert lol At the ending ment, Daehyun told Jongup to say something because he didn't a word the entire night. And you know what he says "hehehehehehehe". That's right! LOL But at the end when they were leaving he did say "Thank you Toronto!" I guess his performance spoke for itself. Enough said.

To B.A.P:

I wrote this on one of my Instagram posts but being able to see my favourite group again was such a gift. I was overwhelmed with emotions last night. Being able to see and meet each and every one of the members was so surreal. The smiles of each and every one of you made me feel so happy at that moment and will forever be engraved in my memory. Words can't describe how much I appreciate B.A.P for coming back to Toronto. I missed Yongguk and felt his absence but I know the rest of the members were trying their best to fill in for him. I don't know what will happen in the future but please know that I will be waiting for OT6 to return together! I will be supporting all of you until you return to Toronto once more. Babyz will forever be with you no matter what happens. I hope this isn't goodbye.

Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, Zelo

Thank you for being the BEST ABSOLUTE PERFECT. 

I love you 💚

Fancam: I was standing right beside the speakers so the sound quality of these fancams aren't that great